Meet the
Hole in One Club Members
Here we are celebrating the amazing sporting achievements of our members. Have a scroll through our gallery of international golfers who have scored the elusive ‘One’ on their card.
Took my 8i out. playing for 2's and hit a lovely sweet strike. playing partner said that's close walked up over the brow of hill. no ball on green. he walked up looked in the hole and said well done its in. bearing in mind he has now seen all 3 of my hole in ones. said its getting boring now lol
First hole in one, could not see go in the hole but was told by other members on surrounding greens it was indeed a slam dunk!
hole in one scored with a six iron during a competition off the white tees called the Autumn plate
first hole in one in a competition.
lovely strike with a 6 iron, ut landed short of the pin and rolled and dissapeared, we all jumped up and down screaming 🙈😂🙈🙈😂😂
Hit a 5 wood, dropped on the front of the green and ran into the hole
A nice kick off the back off the RHS bunker. did not see it drop because of the low sun.
My first hole in one and I didn’t see it as it is a blind shot from an elevated tee over sand dunes! We knew it was good as it bounced over the last dune towards the pin. But there was no sign on the green so after searching around the green, I walked up the hole and shouted ‘it’s in the hole’.
one of the luckiest shots ever
didn’t actually see it go in but what a feeling seeing it in the hole
I hit 3hybrid on the green 3ft from pin and went in
I hit a wind assisted 9 iron which pitched on the green and ran up to the hole and dropped in for my first hole in one!
7 iron
my first hole in one. very windy and rainy day but perfect hit whit iron 7
First ever hole in one! I went on to win the stableford and two greenkeepers working in that green stood by to watch in go in. Very shocked!
if out leave under shed
1st hole in one after 47 years of trying
Perfect 5 iron into toughest par 3 on the course. Pitched 10ft short - hole not visible from the tee - walked up and found ball in the hole!
Nice 6 iron with a bit of draw. No fluke!
The hole in one was achieved on Saturday 23rd October around 11:45 at Halesowen Golf Club. This was on the 16th hole which is called “Wee Three” and was achieved during the Saturday Par Competition. The flag was at the back of the green which was around 163 yards. I took a 7 iron off the tee which pitched around a foot to the right of the hole and then rolled in. Certified and witnessed by my playing partners Andrew Lane and Robert Cunningham.
I scored a hole in one on 3rd hole at Telford GC in the seniors Stableford
it was a nice day for the golf so I went over for a game and played in the medal and scored a hole in one at 11th