Whether your a Bar, Restaurant, Hotel, Golf Store or any business that can offer a discount. You can register on the H1 Golf app for FREE! The H1 Golf app will increase your businesses exposure to an active audience of tens of 1,000s. We have over 34,000 Golf courses registered on the app worldwide.
Below are some of the benefits of registering your business:
- Your business listing is totally FREE
- Customise your business listing, upload photos of your business, add discount codes and offers
- Create awareness of your business to golfers who use the app within your vicinity or to any golfer around the world thinking of travelling to your location
- By giving the golfers discounts and offers when they are playing at a Golf Club in your business vicinity, you could increase your footfall throughout the year
- The H1 Golf app works on Geolocation – so wherever you are in the world, Golfers can pick up their nearest Golf Club and see what offers have been listed relevant to the course they choose
Next steps
Once you submit your listing, we will verify your details and confirm the information submitted meets the guidelines of our app. This typically takes about 3 business days.